Zach's Last Transfer Will Be Serving As Zone Leader in Arad, Romania

Monday, May 30, 2011

Re-Reading the Dedicatory Prayer for Moldova

E-mail entry from Zach: "So, last P-day, we went for a hike. It wasn't much of a hike, rather just a meandering walk up a foresty hill. You could see a lot of the city from up on top. We hiked up the path for a little while, found a good place to have our lunch, then played some games and read the Dedicatory Prayer of Moldova given by M. Russel Ballard in 2001. Somewhere on that hill is where he dedicated Moldova for the preaching of the gospel. We weren't sure of the exact place it occured, so we made our own!"

Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the Republic of Moldova for the preaching of the gospel on 16 May, 2001. Located between Ukraine and Romania, Moldova is part of the Romania Bucharest Mission and has had missionaries in the country since October 1997. Moldova currently has one branch with some 200 members. In his dedicatory prayer, Elder Ballard prayed for the people of Moldova. “Help them to strengthen their families and the nation,” he said. “Bless the people that their hearts may be touched by the light of the gospel so that the message of the restoration of Thy Church and kingdom may penetrate their hearts and their minds.” Elder Ballard was joined at the dedication by Elders D. Lee Tobler and Ronald A. Rasband of the Europe Central Area Presidency. The dedication took place on a hill overlooking Chisinau.

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Burley, Idaho, United States
Hello from Idaho! I'm the very proud mother of this fine missionary, and two amazing daughters! I'm married to the most wonderful husband a wife could ever have, and we share seven children between us, and five awesome grandchildren! I'm so excited to have been able to create these Blog's for you to enjoy reading about, and viewing pictures of Our Family. And of Zach as he continues his Mission Journey in Romania.

