Zach's Last Transfer Will Be Serving As Zone Leader in Arad, Romania

Monday, May 24, 2010

Arrival in Romania!

Dear Families,
I wanted to let you know that your missionary arrived safely in Bucharest on Tuesday afternoon. They were all in great spirits and seemed glad to be here. They have since been through a mission orientation, gone through the process of getting an extended visa, and are now with their first companions somewhere in Romania. We are grateful for their enthusiasm and the spirit that they have each brought with them. Plan to hear from your missionary on Monday, preparation day. Thank you for sharing your son or daughter with us and with the people of Romania. The work will continue to move forward!

Sincerely, Sora Lundberg
Bucharest Romania Mission

About Me

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Burley, Idaho, United States
Hello from Idaho! I'm the very proud mother of this fine missionary, and two amazing daughters! I'm married to the most wonderful husband a wife could ever have, and we share seven children between us, and five awesome grandchildren! I'm so excited to have been able to create these Blog's for you to enjoy reading about, and viewing pictures of Our Family. And of Zach as he continues his Mission Journey in Romania.

